Brake Band Adjustment
Ya Gotta be able to stop!

The B pedal on the right is the brake. Also notice the hand lever in the lower left corner.

​The brakes on the Model t consist of an emergency/parking brake, on the hand lever, and a transmission brake on the B pedal.
The brake was a little off, you really had to press on it a bit to get some stopping action. It was LOOSE. To adjust this means tightening the band for the brake in the transmission. To get at the transmission, remove the wooden floorboards of the front seat area. (see picture above) You also need to remove the six screws holding the cover plate on. To tighten the band, you have to turn an adjustment nut on the right side of the actuator clamp.
You can see the contracting action of the actuator as the brake pedal is depressed. And you can just barely make out the adjustment nut on the right end of that spring assembly. The nut has boss dimples it it, to keep it in place. We tightened the nut 1/2 turn. By the way, I have been told that if you accidentally drop or lose anything in the transmission you need to disassemble the car to get it back out, so be very careful!
When we were finished the car stopped much better.